The notes below are direct from the person that was kind enough to send me the photos of what Cedarlands looked like on the ground in August of this year ('08). Click on the photos to get the full copy original. I'd have to agree that from the air, as seen from OA, there's almost no difference at all from last year till now, but I'd also agree that the leaf cover is helping to hide the destruction on the ground (which is where most of us get to spend our time).
Pic taken in August around the center of the different site areas; greener but not very natural.
[To the right are]
two pics taken in August from OA mountain, one from last year and one from this year of almost the
same area; surprisingly doesn't look too bad (definitely thinned out) but we both know what it looks
like close up on the ground. [...] It is sad the clearing of the forest was so extensive where
all the kids experience the forest. Don't like the fact they have a yearly schedule to continue
this throughout the area.