Day 1
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This was our first real day of hiking.  We got on the road about 9:30 in the morning, and arrived at the next B&B by about 5:00... 7.5 hours of walking to cover 13 miles.

We stopped up the road from the B&B to buy sandwiches for the hike.

Overcast & cool... perfect for walking.


Even before we left town, there were sheep!

Little did we realize how many we were going to see on this trip.

Still in town.
We approached the big lake in town, immediately going off the road side, in favor of paths through the park.
Muckross Castle is a very active tourist spot, with many live demonstrations and exhibits... none of which we saw.

Our focus at this stage was just to set a pace for ourselves, not knowing what was ahead of us or how long it would take.

Another place to go visit if/when we go back to Ireland.

Cool Tree.

Not at all sure of its backstory or how old it is.

Here is as we approach the Torc Falls, a key visitation point in the Muckross area.
This is nice, but honestly I couldn't figure out what the big deal was.

We saw numerous other waterfalls on our hike, John's seen many others in the Adirondacks with Troop 14, and we both saw more amazing things EVERYWHERE in Yosemite.

After the falls, we started climbing, and climbing, and climbing some more.
And now, the hike really seems to begin.
Notice the distinctly different terrain.

Rocky mountain edges, no trees.

We were beside a river for a fair amount of this part of the hike. 

It's still not noon.

We'd only been hiking for a couple hours at this point.

Time for lunch, with the sandwiches be bought at the gas station earlier.

Interestingly (fortunately) there were very few bugs!

You can see the path behind Tracy in the photo.

Cute couple.

It's nice to have a camera that can do timed shots.

How'd that old geezer get such a cute girlfriend?

Looking forward along our path.

Weather still overcast.

The sense of distance is starting to hit us.
Stone piles like this start to litter the countryside.

There's no telling on some of these how old they are. 50 years? 



There were others still on our trail.

If you look at the photo, you can find a few ahead of us.  If you look at the upper right side of the photo, you can see how the path starts to make its way through the countryside.



Does this look like what you'd expect Ireland to look like?

It didn't to us.

Whoever tends to this Kerry Way does a nice job.  We found little foot bridges and such all along the way to make our path easier to cover.


Another family had already trekked out here ahead of us to go splashing in the water at the bottom of these falls.

A couple were young ladies, which impressed us, since so much of the trail was covered with prickly bushes, and they were wearing shorts.

If you notice in the photos, Tracy was still wearing her jacket.

We eventually made our way over to the edge of these woods.
And then back out into hilly terrain again.
Although it's a path, it's a rocky one.

Not easy on the feet.

It's scenes like this that could have come straight out of Lord of the Rings.

You can almost imagine a troop of Orcs coming around the hills.

No wonder there are so many legends in Ireland.  Imagine being out in this landscape at night with nothing but the stars to light your way.

Still some others on the trail, and still a long way to go.

A long way to go!

Another forest... mostly oak trees... completely covered in moss.  This picture doesn't do it justice.

All the bumpy stuff on the ground are old stone walls, completely consumed by moss.

An abandoned church greeted us of the short period where we re-intersected a road.  The first paved road we'd seen since having left Kilarney.
And then, after another hour of walking, we arrive at what we thought (hoped) was the B&B.

No such luck.

No room for us at this inn.

We kept walking.

We had fun scaring the sheep away in this small pasture.

At this stage, they sheep are still on "the other" side of the fence.

And FINALLY, the B&B.

Hillcrest Farm house.


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